Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Social Studio re-mixed workshop

Thank you to all you who voted for the Sleekit look of the year, the result was the fabulous hand made orange tie dye dress that I recently purchased from The Social Studio.

Taken by this exciting and new venture I recently attended one of The Social Studio's re-mixed workshops. The workshop enables you to bring new life into an old garment, or recycle a fabric with the use of their in-house sewing equipment and expertise provided by The Social Studio's very talented teachers. The workshops run every Saturday morning from 10am - 1am at a cost of $30, you can register here.

The before, rip under arm and unflattering

Cutting the shape of the sides to allow for the new fabric

I hooked up with fellow blogger Recycled Fashion, a keen sewer and all round recycle queen, you can check out her remixed item over here. It has been a long time since I worked a sewing machine (school days, 20 years ago!) so I was a little optimistic about what I could achieve in a few hours. I did however have a dress that was in need of repair/revamp so I talked over some ideas with our teacher for the day, Sarah. This dress is by New Zealand designer Kate Sylvester and I love the fabric but it has a massive rip under the arm and kinda makes me look like I'm wearing a sack. My vision was obviously to sort the rip but at the same time recreate the design into a more fitted version that would flatter my curves. Sarah was fabulous, she helped my through my design ideas and provided me with the skills to actually sew and finish a garment. To be honest I was quite proud of myself and came away feeling that I had achieved something quite significant, it has given me a taster for reworking some more of my clothes.

My remixed original dress, looks good eh


  1. Looks fab and very flattering, good job!

  2. Well done you! You're obviously talented at this kind of thing, you've done a great job on it. xx


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