Did you have a good weekend, yes? Good, me too. Following on, from my previous post where I featured the unique windmill brooch gifted to me by my best buddy Fi; I give you an outfit post. These pics were taken by my work buddy Beth using the bosses camera (it's an expensive Nikon D something or other), we were getting all kinds of looks as we paraded through the RMIT grounds; student folks thinking Beth was a journo and wondering who the hell I was! It was fun, the quality is so much better than my usual happy snaps, now wish I had a Nikon D something or other!
top: French Connection
skirt: H&M (New York)
belt: necklace, gift from Beth, I like to wear it as a belt
brooch: gift from Fi, Dazed Dorothy
shoes: gift from beloved
bag: Topshop
bangle: RedDog 3
shades: $2 from Rubi shoes
shades: $2 from Rubi shoes
Staring at your beautiful summery outfit whilst peering out at freezing fog x