If your like me you will have those wardrobe staples that come out season after season, here's my top 5 can't live without items, why not send me yours.
Mimco BagI get comments every time I take this bag out, its Art Deco influence adds class to any outfit, it used to have a strap but I over filled it one day and it collapsed on Chapel St. Someone once asked me if it was a toaster????
Scottie Dog BroachPresent from my dear friend Alison
This little fellow cheers up any outfit

Coast Winter CoatThis is the best time to make the most of the winter sales and Invest in a great winter coat that will see you through many seasons. I bought this coat from Frazers in Glasgow 12 years ago and it still looks fab.
TightsI have so many pairs, they create a whole new look to an outfit, the louder the better. Some folk are not quite ready for my tights, my tattoo tights scare the bejesus out some folk.
Nine West Green Suede Boots
I first feel in love with these green goddess boots 3 years ago but they retailed at $450, so I scouted the shop (week after week) until finally 3 months later they went to sale and I picked them up for $150! Nine West always have great sales so it's well worth hanging on a wee bit longer before you purchase.