During the month of Frocktober I'll be frocking up in support of the festive fundraising initiative aiming to raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF). From the week beginning 18th October I will bring you a new frock ever day on the blog until the end of Frocktober.
I would like to kick off with one of my all time favourite frocks, from an Australian brand called Cosgriff. I bought it when I first moved to Australia and earned my first aussie pay cheque. It's silk and I adore the wrap around belt and butterfly on the back, it's a keeper!
A striking statistic is that, across Australia, "One woman dies every ten hours from ovarian cancer…for many women with ovarian cancer, the disease is already well advanced when they are first diagnosed”.
Unfortunately, there is currently no screening test for ovarian cancer. Frocktober aims to help improve the outlook for women with the disease by supporting the quest for a suitable early detection test, through fundraising for the OCRF.
Through fun – and sometimes quirky – measures, Frocktober is all about:
• increasing the public's awareness of ovarian cancer and what it is
• promoting women's health & wellbeing
• celebrating the great diversity of shapes, sizes and colours women come in.
Essentially, Frocktober puts forward a challenge to girls, women and interested men far and wide: To don a frock for a day, week, fortnight or a full month during October, and get sponsored for it! It’s not just frocking up though, it’s about creating frocks, sourcing frocks through creative measures and in essence celebrating the frock in all its feminine glory...

Now that you know what I’ll be up to during Frocktober, there are several ways to sponsor me:
• On-line payment: visit www.frocktober.org, go to the 'donate' page and include my registration number in the confirmation page.
• Electronic Funds Transfer: Enter my registration number in the 'reference' field from your internet banking service. This will help track your payment.
Account name: Frocktober Inc
BSB 633000
Account number 134323187
My Registration Number is: 682561
• Cheque / Money Order: Please make payable to Frocktober Incorporated and post to Frocktober Inc, 10 Mulquiney Crescent, Highton VIC 3216.
In 2010, October is Frocktober...open up your hearts and wardrobes; it's a frockin' good cause!
Sleekit x