Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's in Sleekit's bag

You may have seen other blogger's post what's in their bag with the stylishly laid out beautiful wears presented with symmetry and consideration, yes I do like them too, but got me thinking about my own bag and its contents. This is more of an honest look to what's inside my bag, piles of receipts and a rusty tin of Vaseline but there is a glimmer of hope, Chanel lippy and some cool shades!

Bag: $30 on sale from French Connection

Contents of Sleekit's Bag:
blue rimmed glasses for driving and watching the tele, I'm short sighted
grey shades from Urban Outfitters (cost me $5)
Purse: By Wilson (gift from my beloved)
free shades from Marie Claire mag (I like free stuff)
Panadol & Nurofen: Mum's get headaches and sore bits
Chanel Rouge Coco, I never go out without my lippy on
bubbles: I have a two year old, tantrums + bubbles = happy child
keys: This key ring is missing its arms and legs but I still carry it around
phone: I'm not really into gadgets and simply use my phone to call or send texts, I see people with iphones who spend the day looking at the pavement and missing the world go by (the little key chain was a gift from a friend)
massive pile of receipts: I shop a lot and I'm a wee bit messy
Pen: Always got to write something down, usually on the back of a receipt, see that's why I keep them!

So what's does my bag say about me??...


  1. My bag is a disgrace!! I went out on Friday night with my 'everyday black' one thinking to myself "I haven't used this in a while..." Ah yes, that's because my 3 Ryvita wrapped in tinfoil exploded all over it and the contents last week... and I failed to clean it out. Yes, I am a minger! But glad to see another receipt hoarder!

  2. 3 pairs of sunglasses?! Only in Australia... That is a very cute key-thingy. xo

  3. HA!

    I read this the other day and I am TOTALLY filing the bubble tip into the "one day" part of my brain... brilliant idea!


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