Taken off Bleeker St, NY

Taken at the Chelsea Market, NY

Happy Halloween dear readers! Are you a trick or treater?? I used to love Halloween as a kid, would wander the dark streets for hours in search of the best sweeties; a neighbour up the road used to make toffee apples, but you had to be quick, as word always spread fast! We used to tell jokes, sing a song or do a turn, kids these days just want the loot and run (and there you have it, I'm officially an old fart!)
Here's a few snaps from my recent trip, New Yorkers love Halloween, decorations followed where ever I went. My favourite has to be this town house off Bleeker St, I stood and looked at this while I polished off a cupcake from the Magnolia Bakery. The Chelsea Market was another amazing place if your a foody, you must check this out, a plethora of goodies to be had.